Impressum/Legal Info:
Reisebüro Imperial Connection Beck OG
Schiestlgasse 8/4
2511 Pfaffstätten
Tel: +43-2252-25 43 270
Fax: +43-2252-25 43 275
Geschäftsführung: Ulrike Beck und Johanna Schmikal
Firmendaten/Company Data:
Firmenbuchgericht/Commercial Register: HG Wiener Neustadt
Firmenbuchnummer/Commercial Register No: FN 228534f
UID-Nr/VAT-ID: ATU56293479
Aufsichtsbehörde/Supervisory body: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Baden/city council Baden
Mitglied der/member of: Wirtschaftskammer NÖ und Wien/chamber of commerce in Lower Austria and Vienna
Sparte Tourismus- und Freizeitwirtschaft / division tourism- and leisure industry
Fachgruppe Reisebüros / section travel agencies/dmcs
Reisebürogewerbe/travel agent licence: Berechtigung verliehen in Österreich / qualification granted in Austria
Für Reisebüros gelten folgende Rechtsvorschriften:
For Travel Agencies the following statutory provisions apply:
. Startpage: mRGB/
. Services: WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud
- Meetings: WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud
- Incentives/Congress/Events/GroupTravel/Priv.Journeys: WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud
. Destinations:
- Austria: WienTourismus/Peter Rigaud
- Vienna: WienTourismus/Christian Stemper
- Salzburg: WienToursimus/Peter Rigaud
. About: mRGB/
- about us / The Team / Behind the Scenes: mRGB/shutterstock
- Team&Staff photos: DavFab
. Contact: mRGB/
The content of all texts and photos and the layout of the website is copyrighted, no matter if it is marked by standard symbols or not. It is not allowed to copy and use any of the photos on the website.
The website also includes links or referrals to websites of third parties. Imperial Connection Beck OG is not responsible for the content of any of the linked sites and does not take over any liability for their content, or for damages or injury incurred by the use of the content - regardless of their nature. Links are included for the sake of convenience for the user, and users are connecting ot these websites entirely at their own risk.